Quality in Education program

Book Review:


Making Quality Education Happen

a 'how-to' guide for every teacher. Third edition. Richard Hayward. Available on Amazon, Smashwords and Takealot.

What is Total Quality Education (TQE) all about? Does it have any meaning for you as a teacher, or principal or education department official?

TQE is an adaptation of the best quality practices and principles found in the business and professional world. The book shows that you don't need money (although a tiny bit helps!) to create an outstanding classroom and school. Almost all the quality practices described in the book don't cost a single cent to implement in a school. 

Not every day in a quality school is all, 'sweetness and light'. There are the 'difficult' learners and staffroom colleagues. Different types of bullying occur not only amongst learners. Staff members bully each other too. The book shows effective ways of dealing with bullies. 

Teaching is the third most stressful of all the professions. (First and second prizes go respectively to flight traffic controllers and specialist surgeons.) The teaching profession is in a state of never ending change. Change can be very stressful. Quality teachers continually bring about changes for the better. Such teachers bring the change resisters amongst learners, parents and staff on board. The book describes how to bring about change and how to do so in a harmonious way.

Dedicated teachers know that the school day is long and the daily demands are many. Yet there can also be much fun and laughter. Every day can add undoubted quality to the lives of young people.  The book gives modern approaches and ideas which really work in 21st century classrooms and schools.

The book is based on the personal experiences of the author as well as sound educational theory. The author writes from four decades of teaching and working in the principal's office. What's written in the book does work in the real-world of the classroom and school. That's guaranteed!

Watch the video interview as Karen Walstra chats to Dr Richard Hayward, the author

Three online ordering options are:

1. Amazon - Kindle format: $ 8.04 (USD) or paperback $ 16.99. The book is printed in colour. There's a free read of 20% of the book.


2. Smaswords - E-book format: $ 6.99 (USD). Here again you have a 20% free read of the book.


3. Takealot - Paperback copy for R 200 (ZAR). The book is printed in black and white.

Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD):


SACE (South African Council for Educators) has a Continuous Professional Teacher Development programme (CPTD). The programme has activities which earn professional development points for SACE- registered teachers.

Under the aegis of the South African Quality Institute (SAQI), Dr Richard Hayward does SACE-endorsed activities, His provider number is NG 000000136 and the activities as of 31 January 2023 are:

* 1 An introduction to Total Quality Education (TQE)
   Duration: 6 hours
   CPTD point: 10
   The workshop adapts to education, the best leadership and management practices. These practices are found in the business, industrial and                     
professional sectors. TQE identifies five pillars that are common to every Quality organisation. They are: Values, Leadership, Improvement Planning,       Communication as well as Techniques and Tools. The practical ways in which the pillars are applied in schools, are explained.

* 2 Conflicts occur in every school - let's resolve them!
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   No school is totally conflict-free. Conflict happens within every group and between groups of children, parents and staff. Yet quality schools manage     to deal with conflict in ways that usually have peaceful outcomes. Such schools keep conflict to a minimum and at low level. The workshop                     compares constructive vs destructive ways of dealing with conflict. Practical guidelines are given on constructive conflict resolution skills.

* 3 Does speaking in public terrify you?
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   Most teachers are confident speakers in their own classrooms. Yet outside the classrooms, teachers are often scared of speaking to large audiences.       Think, for example, of having to talk to parents a Parents' Evenings. Confident public speaking is an important professional skill for all teachers. The       workshop shares easy-to-follow ways to develop this skill. You'll see simple techniques used by any speaker who wants to move from being                   ordinary to becoming extraordinary. You'll learn how to overcome public speaking fears and actually be able to speak fearsomely!

* 4 Ethics is for everyone
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   Being a good teacher is far more than simply passing on knowledge and skills. Being a good learner is far more than being a diligent student. Being       a good principal is far more than being an efficient manager. There's a crucial extra that's still needed. 
   That crucial extra is the need to be ethical. What does that mean? Ethics guides us as how to treat others and how others should treat us. The                 workshop looks at what can be done to ensure that ethics are at the epicenter of the school. When a code of ethics is at the heart of the school, a           happy and high-achieving learning environment is created for everyone.

* 5 Growing Madiba's values in our schools
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   Nelson Mandela's core values are timeless. The workshop takes a brief historical trip of how he 'walked the talk' of true values during his lifetime.           There's a sharing of ideas on how we can make such values vibrantly alive every day in our own classroom and school.

* 6 Influential leadership levels and types
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   We're all influential leaders. We influence others in our roles as moms or dads, brothers or sisters, aunts or uncles. In our work places, we influence       our learners, peers and superiors. The programme looks at seven different ways of influencing others - from the worst to the best. There is an                 analysis of the skills and values used by positive influencers. By being influential leaders, we bring out the best in ourselves and those whom we           lead.

* 7 Introverted children: making sure that they shine
   Duration: 1 hour
   CPTD points: 5
   As a child, were you quite reserved? Even if you weren't, you are still likely to have had at least one such friend. Right now, do you personally have or     know of such a child? Too often, the quiet and reserved child is 'forgotten' in the typical classroom. The outgoing and  social extrovert is inclined to         dominate the lesson.

   This activity highlights both the quiet strengths of the introvert not only as a learner but also as a leader. Every introverted child can be actively but       gently encouraged to happily be part of school life. Guidelines will be given. The introverted child absolutely deserves a place in the scholastic               sunshine. Help such a child truly shine!

* 8 Is there a bully on your staff?
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   Much attention is rightly given to dealing with bullying amongst learners. However, what about the bullying that happens amongst staff members?       Just as there isn't a school at learner-level that isn't entirely free of bullying, the same applies at staff-level too. Teachers bully each other... if they           can get away with it. The workshop discusses various types of staff bullying. It also shows you how to deal with bullies before you yourself become       a victim. If you're already being bullied, you'll be given the skills to stop it right now.

* 9 "Klagtes! Complaints! How may we help you?"
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   The best and the worst of schools have to deal with complaints. Yet some complaints are fair. However, there will also be difficult, never-satisfied           parents. In the Quality school, having to deal with complaints and/or unreasonable parents are seen as challenges for professional growth. The               workshop looks at how Quality schools use a range of techniques to reduce complaints to a minimum. There's also a look at how to manage those         parents who would like to be troublesome.

* 10 "Should I leave teaching? I'm so demotivated?"
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic has made staying in teaching an even bigger challenge than ever before. There are those children and       students who have become more difficult to manage in the classroom. Teaching is tough. 

   Yet there are those teachers who have stayed in the profession for thirty or forty years... and happily too! Ten self-motivation strategies to being               enthusiastic teachers, are shared. The workshop will put the ENO- effervescence back into teaching!

* 11 Stop teacher stress completely... well almost completely!
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   Being a teacher is being a member of the third most stressful profession in the world. However, there are millions of teachers who've cheerfully             survived a lifetime in the profession. To get a grip on stress needs action. Practical stress-management tips are shared in the workshop.

* 12 The higher the teacher's EI (Emotional Intelligence), the better the teaching
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5 
   Yes, of course, being an academically intelligent person is important for every teacher and school leader. Yet the most successful educators are also       emotionally intelligent too.

* 13 "The kids are hell. What can I do?"
   Duration 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   There's no such thing as the class that is always perfectly well-behaved class unless it's under a reign of terror! However, millions of teachers are           able to have happy, hard-working learners. These teachers are able to tame these 'would-like-to-be devils' learners. Tried, tested and successful             discipline strategies used by these teachers are shared.

* 14 Why change? Everything looks OK!
   Duration: 2 hours
   CPTD points: 5
   The one-liner states it simply. There are two things that we can be certain of... taxation and death. Add a third. That's change! The workshop                   discusses the main reasons why there's often a reluctance to beneficial change and what can be done to shift such resistance. There's also a                     discussion on the steps to follow if you would like to guarantee that your change is successful.

  On completion of any of the workshops, the names of registered teachers are forwarded to SACE for inclusion in the CPTD register. If you would like      more details about these activities, please contact Richard Hayward, the course facilitator, on rpdhayward@yahoo.com or 011 888 3262. Poor                schools are sponsored. He has been in school leadership positions for 34 years. More than twenty of them have been as principal of two Gauteng          schools.


The Human Values Foundation (HVF) in the United Kingdom has a range of material on Values Education. An exclusive license agreement of their material has been made with Richard Hayward. The copyrighted material may be bought at cost (including packaging and posting). Alternatively, order directly from the HVF for their latest material. Contact details are yes2values@hvf.org.uk or UK + 44 (0) 1403 259711.


* Education in human values: course manual for primary pupils (cost R215)
* Lesson plans (for ages five to twelve) 1 - 3: Truth, Love and Peace (R410)
* Lesson plans (for ages five to twelve) 4 - 5: Right conduct, Non-violence (R345)
* Social and emotional education (SEE): course manual for secondary students (R210)
* SEE: Lesson modules for volume 1 (for ages 12 to 14) (R410)
* SEE: Lesson modules for volume 2 (for ages 12 to 14) (R420)

CD's (Cost per CD is R350):

* Education in human values: a collection of songs for children aged 5 to 12 to accompany lesson plans
* Music for reflection
* Manual for primary schools: Lesson plans 1-5
* Manual for schools and colleges: Learning modules Volume 1

DVD's (Cost per DVD is R460):

* An introduction to Education in Human Values: a programme for primary schools 
* A training DVD for Education in Human Values: a programme for primary schools

Quality Education Newsletters:

QEN Issue 68 November 2023
QEN Issue 67 August 2023
QEN Issue 66 May 2023
QEN Issue 65 February 2023
QEN Issue 64 November 2022
QEN Issue 63 August 2022
QEN Issue 62 April 2022
QEN Issue 61 February 2022
QEN Issue 60 November 2021
QEN Issue 59 August 2021
QEN Issue 58 May 2021
QEN Issue 57 February 2021
QEN Issue 56 November 2020
QEN Issue 55 August 2020
QEN Issue 54 May 2020

For archived QEN Issues contact info@saqi.co.za 

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